GST (Goods and Services Tax) is an indirect tax throughout India that will replace taxes levied by the central and state governments. It was presented as The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Second Amendment) Act 2016, after the entry of Constitution 122nd Amendment Bill.The GST is governed by GST Council and its Chairman is Union Finance Minister of India .
About Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a stage in the change of roundabout tax assessment in India. Amalgamating a few Central and State charges into a solitary assessment, would moderate crusading or twofold tax assessment, defoliating a typical national market. The effortlessness of the duty ought to prompt simpler organization and implementation. From the customer perspective, the greatest favourable position would be as far as a decrease in the general taxation rate on products, which is right now assessed at 25%-30%, free development of merchandise starting with one state then onto the next without halting at state outskirts for a considerable length of time for payment of state expense or passage duty and lessening in printed material to a huge degree.