What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There areRead More…
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There areRead More…
What 3D’s are? Disease Doctor Drug First learn how food is digested What to Do? Only Some Do & Don’ts Avoid (dont’s) Snacking (do’s) 1.Packed food 2.Refined food 3.Dairy food/Animal foods 4.NutritionalRead More…
T– Talented E– Elegant A– Awesome C– Charming H– Helpful E– Efficient R– Receptive
Google ने एक दशक से चली आ रही परंपरा को तोड़ते हुए Android Q का आधिकारिक नाम रीवील कर दिया है। Android Q से पहले जितने भी ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम लॉन्च हुए हैंRead More…
जानिए स्वतंत्रता दिवस और गणतंत्र दिवस में झंडा फहराने में क्या है अंतर ? पहला अंतर 15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर झंडे को नीचे से रस्सी द्वारा खींचRead More…
क्षमा की महत्ता बताते बेस्ट इंस्पायरिंग थॉट्स Forgiveness Quotes in Hindi क्षमा पर महान व्यक्तियों के विचार Quote 1: Forgiveness means letting go of the past. In Hindi: क्षमा करने का मतलब है जो Read More…
International Day of Yoga, or commonly and unofficially referred to as Yoga Day, is celebrated annually on 21 June since its inception in 2015. An international day for yoga was declared unanimouslyRead More…
Numeral in English Numeral in Hindi Devanagari Script Rom. Hindi 0 zero ० शून्य Shuniye 1 one १ एक Ek 2 two २ दो Do 3 three ३ तीन Teen 4 fourRead More…
Here’s what you need to know about the counting process for the 2019 Lok Sabha Election: The counting will begin at 8 am on May 23. The Returning Officer and the AssistantRead More…
Forgiveness means –They do no sits on your mind any more. Here They refers to negative thought and feeling . Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoesRead More…
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